09 . 15 . 14
Is Your Child Becoming a Picky Eater? Check Out These Suggestions!
By Speech & OT of North TexasRead moreOne of the most common comments that I hear from parents in regards to feeding is “my child is a…
09 . 12 . 14
Are You Getting What You Thought You Paid For? ACA and Speech Therapy
By Speech & OT of North TexasRead moreWith the Affordable Care Act, families and individuals can more easily purchase health insurance coverage without concern about non-coverage for…
08 . 22 . 14
How Is Your Child Doing With Speech and Language Development?
Read moreWhat is the guide for language development in children? Is there a certain number of words my child should know…
08 . 21 . 14
Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten? Social Skills and Communication
Read moreParents can take comfort in knowing there is a range for normal development. So at any given age, children will…
08 . 12 . 14
Practical, Fun Activities for Improving Fine Motor Skills
Read moreFine motor manipulation is the use and coordination of muscles, bones, and nerves to produce small, precise movements within the…