08 . 01 . 18
Is Occupational Therapy Enough? What to Do At Home
Read moreOccupational therapy is a great way to help your child overcome some setbacks. It can help them learn more…
07 . 25 . 18
Occupational Therapy for Early Stimulation
Read moreDuring the first three years of your child’s life, he or she is going to undergo constant stimulation from new…
07 . 06 . 18
Dyspraxia in School
Read moreDyspraxia is defined as a childhood developmental disorder that’s marked by clumsiness in children who are otherwise healthy. Some of…
06 . 29 . 18
Early Signs of Autism
Read moreAutism is rooted in early brain development. However, you won’t notice any of its most obvious signs and symptoms until…
05 . 24 . 18
Sensory Processing Disorder – How to Detect It and How to Treat It
Read moreSensory Processing Disorder (a.k.a. SPD), or sometimes known as sensory integration dysfunction, is a disease where the manner in…
05 . 15 . 18
Games Useful for Developing Speech, Language, and Social Skills
Read moreChildren learn by observing and the best role model is the parent. Having a home environment in which learning is…
04 . 23 . 18
How Do Speech & Language Disorders Affect Learning?
Read moreWhen children experience a speech-language disorder, their learning may be affected. This does not just mean learning at school, but…
04 . 18 . 18
Signs of Delayed Speech & Language Development
Read moreChildren develop at different rates, but there are some guidelines for knowing if your child is generally on track in…
02 . 14 . 18
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Autism
Read moreOne in sixty-eight children in the US falls somewhere on the autism spectrum. This can have a considerable effect in…
02 . 07 . 18
Early Signs of Fine Motor Skills Deficit
Read moreFine motor skills are a lifelong necessity. They begin to be developed in the first months of our lives and…